January 2020

Its the Plague!

This information is coming straight from the CDC: People who are sick with flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: Fever* or feeling feverish/chills.Cough.Sore throat.Runny or stuffy nose.Muscle or body aches.Headaches.Fatigue (tiredness)Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults. www.cdc.gov…

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Who is Watching You

I have been blessed to have strong, smart, resourceful women in my life. Women to watch, observe and learn from. The interesting thing is, I am not sure many of them knew I was watching them. But I was, and I remember the things I observed, the lessons I learned…

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Unspoken Expectations

There is no easier way to be disappointed than to be unclear about the expectations you have for someone you are involved with at home or at work. People are not mind readers nor should they be expected to be. I had the privilege of hearing Brene Brown researcher and…

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My Tiny Little Computer

How has your phone changed your life? At first you might say, it hasn’t or not much. But really think about it. It is a crazy little phenomenon. We spend a lot of time on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. We can “talk” to people on social networks and they might live…

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Pet Peeves

I think this one is going to be fun because lets face it, what bothers one person does not bother another and yet many of us have some of the same pet peeves. Today I am going to share some of my favorite Pet Peeves (is that an oxymoron?) with…

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Music – My Life Long Self-Care

Last week I received some interesting responses to my self-care failure. I received a picture a picture of someone who had their nails done and it said self-care. Yeah! That really made me smile. That told me people are not only reading this blog but don’t think I am absolutely…

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Unpredictable Endings

Last week when I talked about friendship I said when I am your friend I am all in and I am. This weeks post might surprise you. I am a ride or die, got your back, know where the bodies are buried, go to jail with you kind of friend…

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Those Crazy Kids

1962 57 years 1 month later Here are my parents. Grandma and Poppa. Actually Great Grandparents now! They both graduated from high school but had just barely turned 18 and 20 when they got married in 1962. My Grandmother had to sign the paperwork for my Dad to get married…

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It Smells Like What???

Raise your hand if you have not heard that Gwyneth Paltrow has a candle that smells like her Vagina? I didn’t think so. When Big E said “did you hear about this candle that is supposed to smell like someone’s V ?” I had to Google an image of Gwyneth…

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day

How appropriate on the day scheduled for boundaries we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. the man who worked and ultimately gave his life while working towards breaking the boundaries, and barriers that kept people of color from being treated equally in the United States. He said in his famous speech;…

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