Changes are Inevitable

Hello all! We are 96 days into the new year and into this bog now and it has been very interesting to share my thoughts with you. And as changes are inevitable I will be changing the pace of the posts on here. I wanted to tell you ahead of…

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Checking In

Hey! I wanted to do a quick check in and see how everyone is doing? So many changes in 2020 that continue in 2021! Since my last post (which I thought would be my last post) but SURPRISE here I am! Isn’t that unpredictable! My titles have changed…Momma T to…

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I’m Back!

Hey y’all I wanted to say thank you to those who messaged or text me to see where I had disappeared to. I probably should had said something but my disappearance wasn’t really planned. That is how my life kind of works. Thus the title “Reflections of an Unpredictable Life.”…

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Tic Tok Talks Sex

I have become a pretty large fan of TicTok during this pandemic. I am amazed and amused by the things people will put on social media to entertain themselves and others. The dances are extreme and funny. I love to see a gal my age kicking it on the moves…

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The Gift of Encouragement

I recently started a new position with a new company and that means I get to do all of the informational classes that nobody likes. And guess what? It is my department that hosts those classes and meetings so I like to make them as interesting and interactive as possible….

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Be Grateful for Those Who Left You

Do you want to find out what people’s true colors are? Go through something life-changing and see who stays and who scatters. I found this out the hard way very early in my adult life when my first pregnancy ended at around 22 weeks. (The technology wasn’t what it is…

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I Miss Random Conversation

I have been so desperate not to talk about the VIRUS lately that I find myself asking people the most random questions. The more off the wall the better and the funny thing is, they answer me! I can say something totally off topic and I get an answer. No…

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